State of the Nation  2024


Inclusive Growth and Job Creation


Achieve more rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and job creation.

Driving investment and boosting key economic sectors

Driving investment and boosting key economic sectors
  • Boost investment and drive growth in labour-intensive industries such as services, agriculture, mining, green manufacturing and tourism.
  • Finalise and implement industry master plans. (detailed strategies for specific sectors).
  • Review industrial policy incentives to ensure these are results-driven and targeted. (government support for businesses).
  • Graphic to show key sectors driving growth and job creation.

Investing in national infrastructure

Investing in national infrastructure
  • Increase investment in infrastructure through a more comprehensive approach.
  • Position Infrastructure South Africa as the central planning institution.
  • Use public-private partnerships to strengthen crucial energy, communication, water and transport infrastructure.

”From our largest metros to our deepest rural areas, we have a clear intention to turn our country into a construction site, as roads, bridges, houses, schools, hospitals and clinics are built, as broadband fibre is laid and as new power lines are installed.”

Boosting small business growth and empowering entrepreneurs

Boosting small business growth and empowering entrepreneurs
  • Cut red tape and streamline support for small enterprises, entrepreneurs and cooperatives, especially in townships and villages.

Expanding employment initiatives

Expanding employment initiatives
  • Expand and institutionalise the Presidential Employment Stimulus, including the Social Employment Fund, the Basic Education Employment Initiative, the National Youth Service and input vouchers for small-scale and subsistence farmers.
  • Grow as a central hub for youth to access services and earning opportunities, through full integration with all government platforms to expand reach.

Building a competitive economy

Building a competitive economy
  • Continue structural economic reforms through Operation Vulindlela (a government initiative to accelerate reforms).
  • Focus on creating competitive markets in electricity and port and rail operations.
  • Continue with visa reforms to attract skills and investment and grow the tourism sector.
  • Implement the Freight Logistics Roadmap to attract private investment in ports and rail, while ensuring infrastructure remains state-owned.
  • Initiate a second wave of reforms through Operation Vulindlela, including to strengthen local government, address spatial inequality and drive digital transformation.

“The well-being of our people and the growth of our economy depends on the availability of water.”

Sustaining and powering a nation

Sustaining and powering a nation
  • Implement the Energy Action Plan to stabilise Eskom, bring an end to load shedding and achieve long-term energy security, including expediting the rollout of the Transmission Development Plan
  • Continue with institutional reforms in the water sector to enable greater investment in bulk water infrastructure and better regulation of water services across the country.

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy

Transitioning to a low-carbon economy
  • Capitalise on renewable energy opportunities for inclusive growth.
  • Implement the Just Energy Transition Investment Plan (JET-IP) and Implementation Plan.
  • Ensure that South Africa’s transition to a low-carbon economy supports communities and workers in Mpumalanga and other affected areas.

Bridging the digital divide

Bridging the digital divide
  • Invest in digital identity and payment systems.
  • Expand access to affordable broadband internet.
  • Increase digital skills training for young people.

Growing our agricultural sector

Growing our agricultural sector
  • Increase access to blended finance (combining public and private funding) for emerging farmers in export crops.
  • Expand access to key markets through trade agreements.
  • Increase funding for land reform, prioritise state land transfer and strengthen post-settlement support.

Modernising the mining sector

Modernising the mining sector
  • Focus on processing minerals within South Africa.
  • Implement a modern and transparent mining rights system to boost exploration and production.

Investing in research and innovation

Investing in research and innovation
  • Progressively increase investment in research and development to 1.5% of GDP, to grow and transform SA’s science capabilities, human resources and research infrastructure.

Strengthening our economic foundation for global partnerships

Strengthening our economic foundation for global partnerships
  • Ensure that macroeconomic policy fosters stable, sustainable growth and development, allowing funds to be redirected towards other critical social and economic needs.
  • Strengthen economic diplomacy with our largest and potential trading partners.
  • Prioritise implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area.
  • Boost key job-creating sectors

  • Secure massive infrastructure investment

  • Support small businesses and entrepreneurs

  • Ensure economic reforms for competitiveness

  • Invest in technology, agriculture, and mining

  • Expand research and development