Housing and households
We will take steps to unlock massive value for poor households by expediting the provision of title deeds for subsidised houses.
President Cyril Ramaphosa
Everyone has the right to access adequate housing.
According to 2022 Census report, there had been a steady increase in the number of households between 1996 and 2022.

Census 2022 recorded 17,8 million households in South Africa, almost double the households recorded in 1996.

There has been an upward trend in households residing in formal dwellings, an increase of almost 24 %.
Formal dwellings include formal houses with a brick/concrete structure, flats and apartments, cluster houses, townhouses, semi-detached houses or any formal dwelling situated in a backyard, such as a room or garden cottage where a household or single person resides.

The proportion of households that resided in informal dwellings had steadily decreased since 2011, indicative of a transition to better housing.

The proportion of households using electricity as the main source of energy for lighting increased significantly by more than 35%.

Access to internet can be attributed to rapid advancement in communication services, such as the use of cellphones. A substantial percentage of households reported accessing internet mainly through a cellphone or other mobile device compared to reports in 2011.