State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All

SONA Highlights

Improving community safety

SAPS work closely with community policing forums

Prioritising reducing gun-related crime and violence

Prevent the diversion of firearms into the illicit market and recover illegal firearms in circulation

Expanding victim support services

Expand sexual offences courts, with another 16 sexual offences courts

Enhancing public safety

Enhancing public safety

We are committed to enhancing safety and security for all South Africans by increasing police visibility, improving crime prevention strategies and addressing the root causes of crime, with particular focus on high-crime areas and gun-related violence. The police continue to work with other law enforcement agencies to dismantle organised crime syndicates and combat financial and violent crimes.

  • Expand detective service by 4,000 personnel through internal recruitment processes.
  • Adopt surveillance, analytics and smart policing solutions for modern law enforcement.
  • Intensify Operation Shanela, which has been successful in arresting suspects, recovering firearms and seizing stolen vehicles.
  • Tackle priority crimes like gang violence, cash-in-transit heists and the construction mafia through specialised police units.
  • Move towards evidence-based, data-driven policing.
  • The SAPS has partnered with the metropolitan municipalities and is working with communities to fight crime in the priority provinces with high crime hotspots.
  • Increase the use of proven technologies, including the modernisation of the 10111 emergency hotline.

Combating financial and cross-border crime

Combating financial and cross-border crime

We are strengthening our capacity to address organised crime through enhanced cooperation between law enforcement agencies and the use of advanced technology and intelligence capabilities.

  • Combat financial crime using AI and advanced analytics. By using AI in its fraud risk detection and verification work, SARS has prevented the leakage of over R95 billion in impermissible refunds, recovered R20 billion in revenue and dismantled an illicit tobacco and gold scheme.
  • Strengthen international cooperation. To secure our removal from the international Financial Action Task Force grey list, we have made significant progress in addressing the weaknesses identified in our law enforcement system, with 16 out of 22 action items fully addressed.
  • Implement further legislative and system improvement to strengthen South Africa’s ability to combat money laundering and terror financing.
  • Strengthen efforts to combat trafficking.
  • Ensure effective border management to limit transnational crime and protect economic interests.

Tackling gender-based violence

Tackling gender-based violence

The establishment of the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide demonstrates our commitment to addressing this crisis through a coordinated response and victim support services.

  • Implement the National Strategic Plan on Gender-based Violence and Femicide.
  • Continue to strengthen our response to gender-based violence and femicide. We have promulgated the National Council on Gender-Based Violence and Femicide Act, establishing a national structure to oversee a coordinated response to this crisis. We will ensure that the Council is fully functional and properly resourced.
  • Expand victim support services, like the Thuthuzela Centres and GBV desks in police stations. There are now 65 Thuthuzela Care Centres across the country. Out of 52 districts in the country, 44 have GBV shelters. All police stations in the country have victim friendly services.
  • Expand sexual offences courts, with another 16 sexual offences courts to be established in the next financial year.

Call the 24-hour GBV helpline on 0800 428 428 if you or someone you know needs assistance. You can also SMS HELP to 31531.

Protecting critical infrastructure

Protecting critical infrastructure

We continue with work to ensure essential services and infrastructure assets critical to the nation's functioning are protected.

  • Combat infrastructure crime by securing electricity, logistics, water and other critical infrastructure.