State of the Nation  2024



Gender-based violence and femicide have no place in our society.

Stand up.
Speak out.

Sign the Pledge

As South Africans, we must stand united and take action to end this scourge, which has plagued our nation for far too long.

In his 2024 State of the Nation address, President Cyril Ramaphosa called on South Africans to make a personal pledge to end these heinous crimes.

By signing this pledge, you are making a personal commitment to be part of the solution and to play your role in creating a safer, more equitable society for all.

Let’s end gender-based violence and femicide once and for all.


GBVF Command Centre

The GBVF Command Centre is a 24-hour call centre that provides support and counselling to victims

Call 0800 428 428


Government continues to intensify its fight against gender-based violence and femicide (GBVF), which President Cyril Ramaphosa has described as the country’s ‘second pandemic’.

Read more about government’s actions to end GBVF



Emergency call line

0800 428 428

Please call me


Pledge posters for download