State of the Nation  2025

A Nation that Works for All

SONA Highlights

Providing anywhere, anytime access to government services

invest in digital public infrastructure

Ensuring public ownership of strategic infrastructure

Establish SOE Reform Unit

Making it safer to root out corruption

Introduce Whistleblower Protections Bill in Parliament

Creating a professional public service

Creating a professional public service

We are building a more competent and skilled public service that delivers for our people.

  • Implement a graduate recruitment scheme and examination for entry into the public service.
  • Implement the professionalisation framework for the public service and enhance professional skills development.
  • Establish the Office of the Head of the Public Administration.

Strengthening government effectiveness

Strengthening government effectiveness

We are strengthening the role of the Public Service Commission in appointing key leadership positions, enhancing coordination between departments, strengthening oversight of state-owned enterprises (SOEs) and establishing a dedicated SOE Reform Unit to drive better performance within SOEs.

  • Strengthen the role of the Presidency in planning and coordination.
  • Strengthen the role of the Public Service Commission in the appointment of Directors-General, SOE board directors and key positions to shield them from political interference.
  • Improve coordination between departments and streamline government processes.
  • Enhance policy implementation.
  • Establish SOE Reform Unit for governance improvement. The SOE Unit will oversee fundamental reform of our state-owned enterprises to ensure that they can effectively fulfil their social and economic mandates.

Fighting corruption

Fighting corruption

Building on the recommendations of the State Capture Commission, the government has established the permanent Investigating Directorate Against Corruption within the NPA and is developing a world-class digital forensics lab to investigate complex corruption cases.

  • Ensure that the Investigating Directorate is fully resourced and has access to the information that it needs to prosecute state capture cases and hold those responsible to account.
  • Establish a world-class digital forensics lab to support the investigation of complex corruption and financial crime with cutting edge tools and expertise.
  • Recover state capture assets.
  • Continue with implementing recommendations of the State Capture Commission, which has included signing several legislative reforms into law.
  • Finalise the whistleblower protection framework and introduce the -Whistleblower Protections Bill in Parliament during this financial year.
  • Implement the National Anti-Corruption Strategy, with an aim to streamline legislation, eradicate the duplication of mandates and foster greater cooperation between law enforcement agencies.
  • Strengthen accountability and conduct lifestyle audits for officials.

Implementing digital transformation of public services

Implementing digital transformation of public services

We are harnessing technology to transform the way that government works and create one government that is accessible to every person at a touch, and creating platforms for public participation and active citizenship.

  • Invest in digital public infrastructure to give South Africans access to government services anytime, anywhere, through a relaunched platform.
  • Launch electronic visa system.
  • Deploy AI for service delivery and enhance cybersecurity