State of the Nation  2024

Commitments and Achievements

President Cyril Ramaphosa has outlined a set of concrete and measurable actions to end load shedding, restore our economy, tackle crime, improve service delivery and rebuild our public institutions. Delivering on these government commitments is vital to improve the lives of all South Africans – leaving no one behind.

Explore the questions below to learn more about what is being done to address some of the most urgent issues affecting our society.


Are we making 
progress with the 
National Health Insurance?

The National Health Insurance Bill is making its way through Parliament and is set to be finalised by the National Assembly soon.

The Bill is a critical step towards financing essential healthcare services for all South Africans, regardless of social standing.

What is government 
doing about 
gender-based violence?

The National Strategic Plan on GBVF is a comprehensive strategy for tackling violence against women and children. 

Since 2020: 

  • Establishment of GBVF Response Fund
  • New laws to protect survivors and prosecute offenders
  • Support for Thuthuzela and Khuseleka Care Centres 
  • Provision of psychological/social services


±R21 billion dedicated to implement the GBVF plan

What is being done to 
recover funds stolen
 through corruption?

The State Capture Commission made 27 recommendations for the recovery of stolen funds.

The Asset Forfeiture Unit (AFU), Special Investigating Unit (SIU) and South African Revenue Service (SARS) are giving these priority attention.


More than R12.5 billion has been recovered in anti-corruption operations

What is being done 
to reduce youth 

The Presidential Youth Employment Intervention (PYEI) is the most comprehensive effort yet to deliver opportunities for young people.

Key aims

  • Connect young people to opportunities
  • Grow the revitalised the National Youth Service
  • Facilitate youth self-employment
  • Develop in-demand skills


50 000 opportunities created through the National Youth Service

What is being done to 
make sure public servants 
are working diligently 
and ethically?

The new National Framework towards Professionalisation of the Public Sector will help ensure that only qualified and competent individuals are appointed to the public service. 

Compulsory lifestyle audits have also been introduced for all national and provincial government departments.


70 departments have finalised their lifestyle review process

How does the government 
assist small businesses?

Government has measures in place to boost small, micro and informal businesses.

This includes: 

  • Loans and blended funding 
  • Business infrastructure support 
  • Legislative reform 
  • Support for co-operative, township and rural enterprises 
  • Accelerated inclusion of women-owned businesses


Over R900 million in loans to SMMEs

What is government 
doing to address 
hunger and poverty?

A range of measures have been implemented to assist the most 
vulnerable in our society. 

  • Extensive social grants system
  • National minimum wage 
  • Free basic water and electricity 
  • Free primary healthcare 
  • School fees exemptions 
  • School nutrition programme for over 9 million learners


R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant extended until March 2024

What is being done to fix load shedding?

The Energy Action Plan contains realistic measures endorsed by industry experts to address the electricity crisis over time. 

SHORT TERM: Reduce the severity and frequency of load shedding 

LONG TERM: End load shedding and ensure the country’s future energy security


Agreements signed for 26 renewable energy projects with 2 800 MW capacity

Is government implementing 
the recommendations 
of the State Capture 
Commission report?

There is a detailed government action plan that addresses the recommendations of the State Capture Commission. 

A special online tool has also been developed to help the public track the various recommendations.


A detailed plan of action has been presented to Parliament in response to the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry into State Capture.
Goining forward


We will forge a new social compact to shape a nation where every South African enjoys the rights and freedoms enshrined in our Constitution. And we will leave no one behind."


Government continues to make progress in delivering on the SONA commitments. Use the commitment tracker below to see the commitments made by the President in each of the priority areas.

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